Bonarong Wildlife Sanctuary

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You may have come across the world to be with us, or you may live just down the road. We humans are lucky to be able to go almost anywhere we choose.

However, for many of the animals you will meet today Tasmania actually is the last place on Earth. Some of these species no longer exist anywhere else. For others, Tasmania is a last refuge. They are the survivors of legions that once spanned a continent but now this little island bobbing on the Southern Ocean is all they have left.

That’s why we are here – to look after Tasmania’s special critters. But we can’t do it on our own. We need you…

You may not know it but just by walking through our gate you become part of something special. Everything we do, we do with your help. You won’t know just how very welcome you are until you have met some of our animals and heard their stories of survival.

From all of us here at Bonorong (two, four and no feet),


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